• Conceal Pistol License Classes

  • Intro to Basic Handgun & Fundamentals

  • Intro to Basic Defensive Shooting Fundamentals


Ark: A place of protection or security: refuge, asylum.

Michigan CPL Class:


Become more confident handling your firearm & fulfill the State of Michigan requirements to apply for your Michigan conceal pistol license.

*See Classes Tab for full list of upcoming classes

Intro to Basic Handgun & Fundamentals:


Focus on proper grip, stance, choosing the right firearm for you. A basic understanding of your firearms functioning parts and much more.

Private Lessons:

  • One on one/ Small group

  • Range/Classroom/Dry fire training

  • Built around your needs

  • Contact us with your specific needs and we

    will do our best to accommodate you.


Introduction to basic defensive shooting versus marksmanship, focusing on point/instinctive shooting, muzzle alignment, trigger control, and much more

“Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.”

-Proverbs 2:11

See scheduled Class dates —

Check our current list of class dates for location, availability & cost.